01. Style Transfer

Style Transfer

As an example of the kind of things you'll be building with deep learning models, here is a really fun project, fast style transfer. Style transfer allows you to take famous paintings, and recreate your own images in their styles! The network learns the underlying techniques of those paintings and figures out how to apply them on its own. This model was trained on the styles of famous paintings and is able to transfer those styles to other images and even videos!

Mat Leonard, the product lead for the school of AI, used it to style his cat Chihiro in the style of Hokusai's The Great Wave Off Kanagawa.

Mat's cat in the style of Hokusai.

Mat's cat in the style of Hokusai.

To try it out yourself, you can find the code in the fast-style-transfer GitHub repo. Either use git to clone the repository, or you can download the whole thing as a Zip archive and extract it.

The network has been trained on a few different styles (here) and saved into checkpoint files. Checkpoint files contain all the information about the trained network to apply styles to new images.


The easiest way to install all the packages needed to run this code is with Miniconda, a smaller version of Anaconda. Miniconda comes with Conda, a package and environment manager built specifically for data science. Install the Python 3 version of Miniconda appropriate for your operating system.

If you haven't used Conda before, please quickly run through the Anaconda lesson (Lesson 3 on this part).


For Windows, you'll need to install TensorFlow 0.12.1, Python 3.5, Pillow 3.4.2, scipy 0.18.1, and numpy 1.11.2. After installing Miniconda, open your command prompt. In there, enter these commands line by line:

conda create -n style-transfer python=3
activate style-transfer
conda install tensorflow scipy pillow
pip install moviepy
python -c "import imageio; imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.download()"

OS X and Linux

For OS X and Linux, you'll need to install TensorFlow 0.11.0, Python 2.7.9, Pillow 3.4.2, scipy 0.18.1, and numpy 1.11.2.

In your terminal, enter this commands line by line:

conda create -n style-transfer python=3
activate style-transfer
conda install tensorflow scipy pillow
pip install moviepy
python -c "import imageio; imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.download()"

Let’s take a quick look at what these commands do. The first line in both sets of instructions, creates a new environment with Python 3. This environment will hold all the packages you need for the style transfer code. The next line enters the environment. Next, we install TensorFlow, SciPy, Pillow (which is an image processing library), and moviepy. The last line here installs ffmpeg, an application for converting images and videos.

Transferring styles

  1. Download the Zip archive from (or clone) the fast-style-transfer repository and extract it. You can download it by clicking on the bright green button on the right.
  2. Download the Rain Princess checkpoint from here. Put it in the fast-style-transfer folder. A checkpoint file is a model that already has tuned parameters. By using this checkpoint file, we won't need to train the model and can get straight to applying it.
  3. Copy the image you want to style into the fast-style-transfer folder.
  4. Enter the Conda environment you created above, if you aren't still in it.

Finally, in your terminal, navigate to the fast-style-transfer folder and enter

python evaluate.py --checkpoint ./rain-princess.ckpt --in-path <path_to_input_file> --out-path ./output_image.jpg

Note: Your checkpoint file might be named rain_princess.ckpt, notice the underscore, it's not the dash from above.

You can get more checkpoint files at the bottom of this page. Try them all!

Share what you create on Slack channel #general or with all of us using #MadeWithUdacity. We'd love to see what you come up with! Also, feel free to train the network on your own images, you can find instructions in the repository (although it does take some powerful hardware).

Note: Be careful with the size of the input image. The style transfer can take quite a while to run on larger images.

Style Transfer Checklist

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Great job using deep learning to perform style transfer!

The checkpoints were trained on the following paintings: